My thoughts on Building a Cup Contender

Recently, Kent Wilson wrote about how the Calgary Flames should rebuild their team into a Stanley Cup contender. He dismissed the Dallas model of rebuilding and instead promoted the Edmonton model. I’ve heard a lot about the “Dallas model” since the Stars were mentioned during a year-end press conference. Of course, nobody should pretend that … Read more

Quick Comparison of Four Public Expected Goal Models

Last week I wrote about SportLogiq and its Expected Goals model and how it compared to public expected goal models. I just wanted to expand on that a little by comparing four public expected goal models and how they performed over the past 5 seasons. The most rudimentary method to evaluate an expected goals model … Read more

Down the xG Rabbit Hole

This post on Twitter the other day really sent me down a rabbit hole for a good portion of the past two days. I think evaluating and comparing models is both interesting and valuable. Where do models differ? Where are they the same? Do the differences expose potential biases in one or both models? However … Read more

Player Size and Playoff Success – Part II

Last week I looked at the relationship between player size and playoff success at the individual level (i.e. do taller/heavier players go deeper into the playoffs). What I found what that bigger defensemen generally go deeper into the playoffs than smaller defensemen but there is no relationship for forwards – both big an small forwards … Read more